Business Hours - We Are Open - We Are Open For Business... (9x18)


Full Text: Business Hours: We Are Open: We Are Open For Business Most Days About 8:30 am. Some Days As Early As 6 Or 7, But Occasionally As Late As 12:30 Or 1, But Usually Around 9 Unless It's Later. We Are Closed: We Close At 5 Or 6, Sometimes At 4. If All Hell Breaks out at home we close at 3. Occasionally we're open as late as 11:30 or 12 pm, depending. Some afternoons, mornings, or entire days we aren't even here at all, but lately we've been open all the time, except when we're closed, but really we should be here then too, unless we left early.. Features: Size: 9x18 inches. Made from solid knotty pine. Beveled edges. Routed slot in back for hanging.

Customize the letter color as well as sign color based on our displayed color chart to suit yourself, or to gift as a present to a loved one.

Proudly handmade in the USA.